Radio Clubs


Independent Radio Club

I am a member of several radio clubs and organizations. Most of my club activity is with the Independent Radio Club WA6IRC. We are a family oriented club in Los Angeles. We have a repeater system in the San Fernando Valley, CA on Contractors Point (224.480- PL 110.9 & 445.340- PL 103.5). Our repeater system is linked through Blueridge into Las Vegas. Our club is very active on Field Day. This year we did Field Day at El Capitan State beach. We have picnics, campouts and monthly meetings to socialize, play with radios and have fun.


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               2003 Field Day Station of WA6IRC                                                   My daughter Michelle at our club picnic

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  Steve KG6GIK and Mark KC6HMO on the tower at Blueridge                                    2006 Christmas Party


You can check out our club at:

Independent Radio Club


American Radio Relay League


The  ARRL is the national amateur radio organization of the United States. They help promote amateur radio, run contests, give advise, publish a cool magazine, and most importantly represent amateur radio interests before the regulatory bodies. Without the ARRL there would be no voice in Congress or the FCC to lobby for amateur radio. Some hams are put off by the politics of the ARRL, bad mouth them and refuse to join. I feel that every ham should be a member of the organization. I consider it like hiring a lobbyist for amateur radio and I get a great magazine out of it! Their web site is a great way to keep up with the news of amateur radio.

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To see the latest  amateur radio news or to find out how to join go to:


American Radio Relay League


The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation

AMSAT is a worldwide group of Amateur Radio Operators who share an active interest in building, launching and then communicating with each other through non-commercial Amateur Radio satellites. Since its initial founding, over 25 years ago, AMSAT has used predominantly volunteer labor and donated resources to design, construct and, with the added assistance of government and commercial space agencies, successfully launch, over two dozen Amateur Radio communications satellites into Earth orbit. I support AMSAT because we will not have amateur satellites without an organization like AMSAT. I encourage every amateur interested in operating on satellites to join.


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Copyright 2007            Page Last Updated May 29, 2007